Look around the Graphics Lab
Regular, Semi-Regular Polyhedra, and thier Duals (first page)
Prisms, Anti-prisms, Pryamids, and related Polyhedra
Miscellanous Polyhedra: Deltahedra
Johnson Solids -- The other convex polyhedra with regular faces
Why I studied polyhedra, and Image Generation Techniques
Known Polyhedral Mathematical Formula
Data Sources and links for Polyhedral Data
Name V F E F-Type Truncation Dual tetrahedron 4 4 6 triangles truncated tetrahedron tetrahedron cube 8 6 12 squares truncated cube octahedron octahedron 6 8 12 triangles truncated octahedron cube dodecahedron 20 12 30 pentagons truncated dodecahedron icosahedron icosahedron 12 20 30 triangles truncated icosahedron dodecahedron | ||||
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tetrahedral symmetry Name V F E Truncation Generates truncated tetrahedron 12 8 18 | ||||
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cub-octahedral symmetry Name V F E Truncation Generates truncated cube 24 14 36 truncated octahedron 24 14 36 cuboctahedron 12 14 24 rhombicuboctahedron rhombicuboctahedron 24 26 48 great rhombicuboctahedron great rhombicuboctahedron 48 26 72 snub cuboctahedron 24 38 60 | ||||
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icosi-dodecahedral symmetry Name V F E Truncation Generates truncated dodecahedron 60 32 90 truncated icosahedron 60 32 90 icosidodecahedron 30 32 60 rhomb-icosidodecahedron rhombicosidodecahedron 60 62 120 great rhomb-icosidodecahedron great rhombicosidodecahedron 120 62 180 snub icosidodecahedron 60 92 150 | ||||
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Archimedean Dual of the Archimedean F Type triakis tetrahedron truncated tetrahedron 12 triangles triakis octahedron truncated cube 24 triangles tetrakis hexahedron truncated octahedron 24 trianlges triakis icosahedron truncated dodecahedron 60 triangles pentakis dodecahedron truncated icosahedron 60 triangles | ||||
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rhombic dodecahedron cuboctahedron 12 rhombus kite icositetrahedron rhombicuboctahedron 24 kites disdyakis dodecahedron great rhombicuboctahedron 48 triangles pentagonal icositetrahedron snub cuboctahedron 24 tears | ||||
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rhombic tricontahedron icosidodecahedron 30 rhombus kite hexacontahedron small rhombicosidodecahedron 60 kites disdyakis triacontahedron great rhombicosidodecahedron 120 triangles pentagonal hexacontahedron snub dodecahedron 60 tears | ||||
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Face descriptions: triangles are isosceles triangles rhombus are equal sided parallelogram or diamond shaped quadrilaterals. kites are diagonally mirror symmetrical quadrilaterals, or kite shaped. tears are roughly hexagonal shaped with two sides extended to remove one point, EG: a tear shaped symmetrical pentagon. | ||||