Bubble Generator Requirements
The following is a list of the problems and requirements of a
bubble generator which is to be lofted by a kite...
- No need for priming or manual dipping of loops in the device. The
exceptions to this is once only just before launch, or with some
simple form of remote control. IE: the final device is basically
- It does not spill fluid everywhere though with a Picavet Suspension
and a steady kite this should not be a problem.
- Bubbles generated be blown clear of the generator. Which is not as
easy as it sounds.
- Not too heavy or you will not get it off the ground.
- Preferably (though not necessarily) wind powered, without needing
What do you think of these? Should other things be added to this list?
- You can...
Look around the Bubble Plans
Look around the Workshop

Created: 21 June 1996
Updated: 21 June 1996
Author: Anthony Thyssen,