#!/usr/bin/perl # # multi_seq [-f] format_string [start[,inc],]end... # # This is like the linux 'seq' command, but can handle multiple sequences of # numbers, creating more complex lists. Each substitution is incremented with # the last substitution incrementing before previous ones. # # Each "printf" number substitution ("%d", "%x", %f etc.) found in the # {format_string} is replaced by a number from the comma separated argument # ranges, specifying the start,inc,end for that substitution. # # Any number of "printf" substitutions can be given. # # Options # -f Increment the first substitution before later ones # # Examples # Count up and/or down # Note that the last substitution is incremented before the first # multi_seq "file_%d_%d" 3 3,1 # # Instead of decimal you can also count in hex (as per perl conventions) # multi_seq "...%02x..." 0x2a,0x4f # not this sequence does include 2e,2f,30,31... # # Incrementing ISO standard date (including some illegal dates)... # multi_seq "file_%d-%02d-%02d" 2010,2011 12 31 # # Incrementing Dates, in correct day-month-year order... # multi_seq -f "%02d/%02d/%d" 31 12 2010,2011 # # In some ways this is equivelent to the following bash brace expansion, except # you can only do it in the incorrect order. # # printf '%s\n' {1..31}/{1..12}/{2010,2011} # # See Also # # http_get_inc which uses the formated string as a URL for download. # ### # # 18 May 2007 Re-Written by Anthony Thyssen # 4 March 2019 Update to allow reversed increment order ('-f' option) # use strict; use FindBin; my $PROGNAME = $FindBin::Script; sub Usage { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: ", @_, "\n" if @_; @ARGV = ( "$FindBin::Bin/$PROGNAME" ); # locate script file while( <> ) { next if 1 .. 2; last if /^###/; last unless /^#/; s/^#$//; s/^# //; last if /^$/; print STDERR "Usage: " if 3 .. 3; print STDERR; } print STDERR "For full manual use --help\n"; exit 10; } sub Help { @ARGV = ( "$FindBin::Bin/$PROGNAME" ); # locate script file while( <> ) { next if $. == 1; last if /^###/; last unless /^#/; s/^#$//; s/^# //; print STDERR; } exit 10; } my ($first_inc) = map(0, 0..10); # initialise flags # Option handler OPTION: # Multi-switch option handling while( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ s/^-(?=.)// ) { $_ = shift; { m/^$/ && do { next }; # Next option m/^-$/ && do { last }; # End of options '--' m/^\?/ && do { Help }; # Usage Help '-?' m/^-?(help|doc|man|manual)$/ && Help; # Print help manual comments s/^f// && do { $first_inc++; redo }; # increment first sub first Usage( "Unknown Option \"-$_\"" ); } continue { next OPTION }; last OPTION; } # Format argument my $format = shift || Usage "Missing format string"; Usage "No % escape in format string" unless $format =~ /%/; do{ my @c = ($format =~ /%[\d.]*[dxXofg]/g); Usage "Incorrect argument count for % escapes" unless @c == @ARGV; }; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # recursively replace the % substitutions with values... @ARGV = reverse @ARGV if $first_inc; # substitute in reverse do_substitutions( $format, @ARGV ); sub do_substitutions { my $f = shift; # get the first format string only unless ( @_ ) { # output if no more substitutions need to be made do_job($f); return; } # fill in missing range arguments my @r = split(',', shift); # get the range for first % escape map { $_ = oct $_ if /^0x/ } @r; # convert hexadecimal to decimal splice(@r, 0, 0, 1) if @r == 1; # add default start splice(@r, 1, 0, ($r[0]<$r[1]?1:-1)) if @r == 2; # add default increment Usage "Zero Increment in range argument." if $r[1] == 0; Usage "No numbers within range argument '", join(',',@r), "'." if $r[1] > 0 && $r[0] > $r[2] || $r[1] < 0 && $r[0] < $r[2]; my $n = $r[0]; # start while(1) { last if $r[1] > 0 && $n > $r[2]; # end (inc up) last if $r[1] < 0 && $n < $r[2]; # end (inc down) (my $format = $f); # make a copy of given format string if ( $first_inc ) { # replace last - so first substitution, increments first $format =~ s/(.*)(%[\d.]*[dxXofg])/ $1.sprintf($2, $n) /e; # substitute } else { # replace first substitution pattern $format =~ s/%[\d.]*[dxXofg]/ sprintf($&, $n) /e; # substitute } do_substitutions( $format, @_ ); # continue with next substitution $n += $r[1]; # increment } } # What to do with the substituted string (just print) # If you want to expand this to some other specific purpose sub do_job { print "@_\n"; }