Bubble Generators for Kites
One whole area of the Workshop seems to be devoted to the
development and construction of some sort of bubble generator to be carried
by a kite.
Spread around the bench are containers, motors, loops, fans, and of course
lots of foamy, slippery fluid, you assume is bubble mix.
In the middle of all this a large note reads...

Comerical bubble machines are available from
theatrical supply shops either for rent or for purchase. These can be
battery or mains powered and will generate enormous numbers of bubbles.
I suggest you mount a battery powered machine on a pole, otherwise kids
tend to stand in front and just get plastered with saop (to the parents
discomfort). I also suggest you run such a machine for a few minutes
each hour so that the novality does not pale with time.

- Tacked up against the wall are a number of plans...
Requirements of a good generator
Various Rec.Kites Bubble Generator News Articals
Original `Ascii Art'' Plan (by Peter Ulfheden)
Alturnative `Ascii Art'' Plan (by Anthony Thyssen)
Ground based Motorized Generator (by Felix Cartagena)
Bicycle Bubble Machine Toy
Sonja Graichen's Bubble Generator
Table Edge Bubble Generator (by David Williamson)
- Anthony's attempts and experiences...
Mark 1 Generator (my first attempt -- failure)
Mark 2 Generator (works but has problems -- REVISED)
Solutions to various problems
Airflow Solution from
Gilles Lehoux,
- Other web pages on bubble generators.
Bubble Machine Plans by Felix Cartagena
Bonati Alberto's Generator (Updated page - english version)
The Bubble Mill from FamilyFun magazine website
Arthur Dibble's Bubble Machine motor driven loops, wind blowen bubbles
Bubble Blower using cardboard! Don't expect it to last long.
- You can...
Look around the Workshop

Created: 21 June 1996
Updated: 8 September 1997
Author: Anthony Thyssen,