Various Computer and Cluster naming schemes...

These are being moved int ~/lib/dict

Ants: sarg_ant gi_ant road_ant age_ant pote_ant resist_ant

  Moved to ~/lib/dict/dict_names_ants

    human halfling dwarf gnome elf barbarian valkyrie
    half-elf half-orc hobbit kobold
    king         queen prince princess guard
    wiseman      vizier sage seer oracle
    fighter      warrior samurai ninja knight
    army         general colonel captain lieutenant sargent private
    thief        rogue bandit pirate
    magic-user   wizard mage sorcerer conjurer illusionist witch warlock
    cleric       priest priestess druid shamen healer
  Generic Groups...
    jelly mold blob slime demon devil dinosaur elemental spider dragon giant
    golem dragon
    skeleton zombie ghoul ghast ghost wraith shade spectre mummy vampire
    demilich lich
    werewolf werejackle werebear wererat
    ankheg balrog behemoth beholder bookworm brownie bugbear bullywug
    catoblepas centaur chimera cockatrice cyclops death derro djinni dragonne
    drider drow(elf) ettercap ettin faerie fireborn firedrake flind gargoyle
    genie ghoul gnoll goblin goldbug golem gorgon gremlin gridbug grue hobbit
    hobgoblin homunculus hydra imp incubus jabberwocky kirin kobold kraken
    kraken leprechaun levitian lurker medusa medusa mermaid merman mimic
    mindflayer miniotaur minotaur naga nazgul nerid nixie nymph ogre orc
    pegasus peryton piecer pixie quasit rockmole rothe sasquatch satyr shedu
    silkie spectre sphinx sphinx sprite stirge succubus thri-kreen titan titus
    trapper trent troglodyte troll umberhulk unicorn vrock worm wumpus wyrm
    wyvern xan xorn zruty
  Japanese Movie Monsters...
    godzilla mothra kingkong

Animals:  Noah
     Lion  Warthog  Zebra  Wilderbeast Bufflo  Tiger Lepoard  Lynx  Skunk
     Rabbit  Boar Ape  Bat  Spider  Gopher Elephant  Muskox  Moose
     Squirrel  Possum
     Hawk Pigeon Sparrow Finch Eagle Flamingo Owl
     Lizard Snake Iguana Salamander Newt
     Viper Boa Copperhead Taipan Rattler Asp Adder
     Beatle Fly Mosquito Scorpion Cockaroach Weevel Silverfish
     Dog  Cat  Buggie  Cockatiel  Parrot  Goldfish
     Ferret  Rat  Mouse  HermitCrab
  Farm...  Farmer
     Bull Cow Goat Pig Sheep Lamb Horse Pony
  HenHouse: Rooster
     Hen  Chicken  Chick  Egg
  Flock: Shepard,
     Sheep, maybe a Dog or two
     Fish Shark Stingray Crab Seaweed Coral
  Shark Types
     Mako Tiger Blacktip Megamouth GreatWhite Whale Sand Whitepointer Goblin
     Reef Hammerhead
     Kangaroo Wallaby Bilby Kookaburra Quoll Quokka Platypus

     Carrot Potato Tomato Pea Bean Corn Sprouts Orange Lemon Grapefruit
     gum lemon pine apple cherry orange banana
     Scribblygum Saltbush Bloodwood Cedar Redgum

Colours: Red Brown Orange Gold Yellow Green Cyan Blue Purple Violet Pink Magenta
         Black Gray SlateGray Silver Gainsboro
         White AntiqueWhite Beige Azure Ivory Linen
         Firebrick Salmon Crimson HotPink DeepPink
         Amber Tomato Coral Puce
         LemonChiffon Moccasin Khaki PeachPuff
         Bisque Wheat Tan Peru Chocolate SaddleBrown Sienna Maroon
         Lavender Thistle Orchid Fuchsia
         Lime Chartreuse PaleGreen SpringGreen SeaGreen Olive
         Aqua Aquamarine Teal Lilac Turquoise Navy Indigo
         SteelBlue PowderBlue SkyBlue DodgerBlue RoyalBlue SlateBlue
# See https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names/
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_colors

Olympian Gods:   Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia,
                 Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Hephaestus,
                 Demeter, Persephone, Dionysus, Eros, Hebe, Helios, Pan,
                 Thanatos, Eris,  Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
Olympian Titians: Gaea, Uranus, Cronus, Rhea, Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion,
                  Mnemosyne, Themis, Coeus, Phoebe, Atlas, Metis, Promethus
Olympian Heros:  Herculus
For more info see     http://www.math.utk.edu/~vasili/GR_link/Greek_myth/

SolarSystem: Sun, planets, Moons
    Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Perisone
    Sun Sol Helios Io Europa Charon

    leo acrux dipper orion cancer gemini taurus cancer crux

    rigel antares wolf359 sirus centuri

Apostles: Mark Matthew Luke John ... Judas

Tape Names (for backup servers)
    duct gaffa sticky scotch magnetic packing scotch masking

Atomic Elements: (approx 110)
    Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Carbon Uranium Silcon Argon Lithium
    (you can assign then my IP  EG:  x.x.x.45 is Rhodium )

SubAtomic Particals:
    electron neutron proton photon gravitron higgs boson lepton quark
    wimp wamp

Type of lights:
    ember spark fire lightning gaslight glow torch sun moon led
    night flash electric

Gems:    Quartz Spinel Diamond Topaz Citrine Jasper Amethyst Jade Ruby Saphire
Mineral: chalk limestone granite zoisite aventurine oolite hematite
Metals:  Iron Copper Silver Titanium Steel Bronze Lead Pewter Gold

Music Instriuments:
   Mandoline Lute Harp Theoro Piano Tuba Drum Trumpet Obe
   Dulcimer Zither Guitar Bass Violin Fiddle Flute

Music Composers:
   Albeniz Bach Chopin Dvorak Elgar Faure Grieg Hummel Mozart

   Catapult Crossbow Trebuchet Longbow Sword Dagger Gun Rifle Cannon
   Bazooka Rapier Saber Pistol Rifle Garrote Blackjack

   Beer Wine Rootbeer XXXX Fosters Bundy Rum Vodka

   Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry

Household Appliences:
   kettle oven stove tv dvd microwave sink toilet shower bath

Big Thing Descriptions:
   titan giant colossus monster jumbo mammoth huge humongous

   terror sorrow lust temper envy agony fury sad happy sigh

TV/Movie  Characters...

TV/Movie Computer/Robots:
   Kitt Karr Data Lore Hal Flexo Bender Gomtuu Orac Zen Wopr K9

TV/Cartoon Cats:
   Garfield Felix Bill Tom Tigger Pookey Scratchy Bagheera Hobbes Nermal

Planets from DrWho (almost one new one per epsiode!)
   Skaro Peladon Telos

Snowwhite and 7 Dwarves:
  SnowWhite Grumpy Sleepy Sneezy Doc ...  Bashful

    Homer  Marge  Bart  Lisa  Maggie  Milhouse  Grapple  Skinner Flanders
    Mo  Smithers  Barney  Wiggum  Clancy  Ralph  Lovejoy

Adams Family:
    Gomez Fester Mortisha Lyrch Pugsley Thing  Wednesday (aviod)

Lord of the Rings:
    Bilbo Frodo Mary Pip Aragon Gandlaf Sauron ShadowFax
    Balrog Nazgul Orc

Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy:
   Trillion  Ford  Beeblebrox  Slartybartfast

Star Wars Characters:
   Skywalker Yoda Hans Solo Jedi Dooku Windu R2D2 C2PO

SouthPark Characters:
   Kenny Kyle Cartman Stan

   BIG list Moved to ~/lib/dicts/dicts_names_pokemon

Sandman, the seven D's...
  Dream, Desire, Despare, Destiny, Destruction, Delight, Delerium

Limited/ Cluster naming...

For Clusters...
   AntHill:  QueenAnt  and worker ants (ant01  ant02 ...)
   Beehive:  QueenBee  and worker bees (bee01  bee02 ...)

Twin fall over servers...
   Romulus & Remus
   Abbot & Costello
   Bert & Ernie
   Tweedledum & Tweedledee
   Bill & Ted
   Fred & Wilma

Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse
   war pestilence famine death kaos

Seven deadly Sins
   pride envy gluttony lust anger greed sloth
