------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert journey map into one large PNG image... https://github.com/TeamJM/journeymap-tools # download release 'JAR' file... java --jar JourneyMapTools.jar Select .minecraft instance folder, the world, dimension, surface, ect... Then export the PNG image. The image however may be black and white -- so no good! This huge image should be viewable using... flatpak install flathub org.libvips.vipsdisp flatpak run org.libvips.vipsdisp world_image.png However it runs out of tmp disk in /var/run! --- Convert that to a deepzoom image https://forum.profantasy.com/discussion/11826/ "Deepzoom images for web display" sudo dnf install vips-tools vips dzsave BigImage.png BigImage Creates "BigImage.dzi" and "BigImage_files" sub-directory "0" is a single pixel! "1" is 2x2 pixels. "2" is 4x3 pixels "7" was 107x80 pixels "8" is the largest of the whole image "9" is first split up in 255x255 pixel images "17" has 139213 images "18" has 556206 images The DZI is a XML file for deepzoom images... https://github.com/openseadragon/openseadragon/wiki/The-DZI-File-Format https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645077(VS.95).aspx Sparse image formats are allowed! --- Multiple images converted directly... vips arrayjoin "File1.jpg File2.jpg File3.jpg File4.jpg" mypyr.dz --across 2 But that assumes 4 tiles in 2 images per row! --- Get 'openseadragon' javascript. https://openseadragon.github.io/ (or Zoomify ? ) And a bare bones web page... =======8<--------CUT HERE---------- OSR Dungeon
=======8<--------CUT HERE---------- You will also need to edit csp_headers for your web server and disable Header set Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self';" OR in the directory run... python3 -m http.server -b localhost then look at http://localhost:8000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zoomify image format All in one directory, with a tier (level) prefix. Lowest tier is one image at the tile size (not 1 pixel size), and is named 0-0-0.png Format... https://ecommons.cornell.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/071936b9-ae8e-4849-8d8d-67d99769da10/content Otherwise it seems simular to deepzoom. There opendragion does not look at a seperate 'image metadata file' (nor XML) but requires the image information inbeded in the javascript call. https://openseadragon.github.io/examples/tilesource-zoomify/ =======8<--------CUT HERE---------- OpenSeadragon({ ... tileSources: [{ //required type: "zoomifytileservice", width: 7026, height: 9221, tilesUrl: "/test/data/zoomify/", //optional tileSize: 256, fileFormat: 'jpg' }] ... }); =======8<--------CUT HERE---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script to directly create a Deepzoom image from journey map tiles. journeymap_dzi https://antofthy.gitlab.io/software/#journeymap_dzi This converts a given set of 512x512 images into a Deepzomm image (DZI) with the highest level just symbolic linked (file rename) of the actual journeymap images (Ie it uses the image directly so just over half the tile images in the DZI is just not a disk copy of the original journeymap images! What level that is depends on the scope of the overall map. Script will warn you if the all the DZI images needs to be rebuilt to accomidate a larger map size. Note deepzoom allows for sparse tiling, so missing journeymap images are NOT a problem! The tile size uses the journeymap tile size of 512x512 pixels, without any Overlap. This is continued up the pyramid levels with up to 4 images merging and zooming out to form the next layer of 512x512 tiled images. Level 9 will have merge of all tiles into a single zoomed out 512x512 image, while levels 0 to 8 are just smaller versions of that image which the Open Seadragon Web Java Script viewer not even using (though they are still created). Clicking in the image will give the minecraft coords of that point. Double clicking will zomming in another map layer, or you can use the mouse scroll wheel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------