------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Encrypted Virtual File system OBSOLETE This has been replaced by dmcrypt and fusemount (user mount) systems. https://antofthy.gitlab.io/info/crypto/linux_dmcrypt.txt Which has been formalised using systemd and crypttab https://antofthy.gitlab.io/info/crypto/linux_crypttab.txt Basically this sets up a low level loopback device (via 'loop' device) to do block device encryption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mount via a "loop" device, to provide some extra options, namely encryption, and offset. EG: a 100Mb file system dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/crypted_image count=1 bs=1M seek=100 losetup -e XOR /dev/loop0 /tmp/crypted_image Password: xxxxxx mkfs -t ext2 /dev/loop0 mount /dev/loop0 /mnt -t ext2 ... umount /dev/loop0 losetup -d /dev/loop0 The mount command itself however can call the losetup command internally, and will then automatically free the loopback device when finished. You can specify a specific loop back device, though if not given the first free loop device will be used. EG: remount the above file system directly mount -o loop=encryption=xor /tmp/crypted_image /mnt umount /tmp/crypted_image Or specifing a specific loop device (with des encryption)... mount /tmp/crypt_image /mnt -t ext2 -o loop=/dev/loop0,encryption=des Password: ... This will however list the source of the encrypted filesystem in df and mount listings. Regardless, while the loop device is in use you can see the source of the filesystem with.... losetup /dev/loop0 Do NOT use "xor" encryption, without somehow using extrememly large binary keys. The encryption keys are unfortunatally visible in the encrytped file, in blocks filled with zero bytes (the first block for example). That specific problem can be rectified by creating the original file using /dev/random rather than /dev/zero, but it is still insecure. I cannot get "des" to work, erro given... ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS: Invalid argument From Loopback-Encrypted-Filesystem-HOWTO-3.html explains how to install the "serpent" encoding scheme into the kernal, for a more secure encryption. ---- From http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/2002-08/msg00015.html This uses openssl to create a long password keyphase for better encryption. Create 100M file system dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/user.img count=1 bs=1M seek= The encryption key dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1c count= | openssl enc \ - > /home/user.key Setup encryption openssl enc -d - -in /home/user.key | losetup -e aes \ -k -p0 /dev/loop0 /home/user.img Make the file system mkfs -t ext2 /dev/loop0 Mount the filesystem mkdir /mnt/crypt mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/crypt Finish up umount /dev/loop0 losetup -d /dev/loop0 --- Making it more secure... * First hide the file holding the encrypted filesytem in a non-obvious place. Thst is some place that may be overlooked... Like "core.62548" or "/etc/config.in" * Of course if you have this filename built into a shell script, then you have problems. Prehaps the mounting shell script should decode itself for execution, then that mounts the encrypted filesystem. See Encrypted Shell Functions https://antofthy.gitlab.io/software/#encrypted_function * Better still make some use of the loop device "offset" to add the extra information to a special encoded file at the start of the crypt file. That is the password you give decrypts a long encryption key, and offset information. That can then be used to actually decrypt the real filesystem. In some ways this is how Luks Encryption works. It also hides any magic numbers, moving them away from the start of the file. * The password encrypt or hash something to generate a very very large key (like the gziped system dictionary?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------