------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grep and grep related things... Also see https://antofthy.gitlab.io/info/misc/regex.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cgrep color grep (gnu grep has this built in) pcregrep pcre-tools utilities grep (multiline, or whole file grep) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enable gnu-grep highlight with background color (for spaces) export GREP_COLORS='ne:mt=01;31;44' export GREP_OPTS='--color' alias grep command grep '$GREP_OPTS' echo $'abc def xyz' | grep 'def' abc def xyz <- def is highlighted To show the whole file with all the highlighted matches, add a 'empty match' Grep will NOT hightlight a zero length match echo $'abc\n def \nxyz' | grep 'def\|$' - abc def <-def is highlighted xyz To add highlights in a pipeline, you need some extra flags (You may also want to add '--line-buffered' if output is intermittent) echo $'abc\n def \nxyz' | grep --color=always 'def\|$' - | less -R Multiple highlights (not simple -- see grep alternatives below)... cat log | GREP_COLORS='mt=01;31' grep --color=always 'fail' | GREP_COLORS='mt=01;32' grep --color=always 'success' | less -R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highlight trailing whitespace Show all lines, highlighting trailign space GREP_COLORS='mt=44' grep --color '[[:blank:]]*$' Show just the lines with trailing space highlighted GREP_COLORS='mt=44' grep --color '[[:blank:]]\+$' I recommend redefining grep highlight to include background color export GREP_COLORS='ne:mt=31;44' Cat can also do this, by adding '$' cat -E or cat --show-ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prefix Testing Example anything starting with 'y' case insensitive if grep -iq "^y" <<< "$answer"; then shell-builtin solution if [[ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ]]; then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the full quote string with words... Get the first (-m1) URL for a ".tar.gz" file url-$( curl -skL "$url" | grep -om1 '[^"]*tar\.gz[^"]*' ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get value following a key.... Zero-width positive look behind (grep perl-RE) EG the word after 'beta' echo "alpha beta gamma delta" | grep -oP 'beta \K\S+' # => gamma Another method of zero-width positive look behind echo "alpha beta gamma delta" | grep -oP '(?<=beta )\S+' # => gamma or more exact and less senstive... echo "alpha beta gamma delta" | grep -oP '\bbeta\s+\K\S+' # => gamma Shell built-in only method... string='abc,,def,,geh,' dev=def # find the value after this! s=",$string," # make a copy with extra pre/post strings case $s in *,"$dev",*) ip=${s#*",$dev,"}; ip=${ip%%,*} ;; *) ip='' ;; # not found case esac printf '%s\n' "$ip" Practical Examples... # get the mount points (after the '%' character)... df | grep -oP '% \K.*' # get GID of the group "users" (non-awk solution) grep -oP '^users:x:\K\d+' /etc/group # look for quoted assignment (note start of line ^ in RE) # EG PASSWORD="xyzzy123" grep -oP '^PASSWORD="\K[^"]+' config_file # Just get the first match (key could match multiple times) grep -m1 -oP '^sslclientcert\s*=\s*\K.*' /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matching words Moved to info/misc/regex.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi-line Matching Two lines with keywords, any number of lines between... EG: Between START and END grep -Pz '\bSTART\b(.|\n)*\bEND\b' file or using perl '/s' (single line) option to make '.' match newlines grep -Pz '(?s)\bSTART\b.*\bEND\b' file or non-greedy (minimal number of lines) matching grep -Pz '(?s)\bSTART\b.*?\bEND\b' file OR non-gnu grep (no shortest length) < input_file tr '\n' '\a' | grep -o 'START.*END' | tr '\a' '\n' Grep only the first N lines of multiple files gawk 'FNR>10 {nextfile} /pattern/ { print FILENAME ; nextfile }' filenames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grep for two or more words in same paragraph (multi-line) paragraph mode of perl is better for dealing with paragraphs! perl -000ne 'print "-- $ARGV --\n$_" if /\bone\b/i && /\btwo\b/i && /\bthree\b/i;' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grep Alternatives sed/awk/perl -- of course! ack Recursive Grep -- by default Automatically Skips Subversion, Git and VCS repository directories Skips 'images' and other binarys (which can be bad) Examples ack --color --passthru --pager="${PAGER:-less -R}" pattern files ack --color --passthru pattern files | less -R export ACK_PAGER_COLOR="${PAGER:-less -R}" ack --passthru pattern files ag "The Silver Searcher" https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher dnf install the_silver_searcher ----- Color Highlight Grep Alternatives... colout colors patterns in files as specified in pipelines http://nojhan.github.io/colout/ Example: color the network error code... tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | \ colout ' 5\d\d ' red | \ colout ' 4\d\d ' yellow | \ colout ' 3\d\d ' cyan | \ colout ' 2\d\d ' green ls -l ~ | colout "^(d*)-*(rwx)(rwx)(r-x)" blue,red,yellow,green echo "Progress [########################] 100%" | colout "#" Rainbow # color the percentages from 0% blue to 100% red df | colout --scale 0,100 "\[(.*)%\]" scale highlight small shell script version of colout, mapping color names to sed patterns https://github.com/kepkin/dev-shell-essentials example... command_here | highlight green "input" | highlight red "output" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------