------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Properties (on root window only) see http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/1.3/ar01s03.html See them in xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW) Currently active window. Not necessarily the window with focus. xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x3c00022 Also see WindowID.hints _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION(WINDOW) Is some window demanding attention from the user? _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP(CARDINAL) _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS(CARDINAL) _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES(UFT8_STRING) null terminated strings x num_desktops _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY(CARDINAL) = WIDTH, HEIGHT of display xprop -root _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY _NET_WORKAREA(CARDINAL) = { X,Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT },... The screen area minus the reserved 'margins' set by the window manager, repeated for each of the desktops. Clients that maximize windows should only use this area. _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL = { left, right, top, bottom, left_start_y, left_end_y, right_start_y, right_end_y, top_start_x, top_end_x, bottom_start_x, bottom_end_x } reserve space at borders of desktop. In root coordinates, clients may change, window_manager does not set this but adjusts WORKAREA to match _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS = left right top bottom size of the window manager decorative frame on this window _NET_CLIENT_LIST(WINDOW) list of window IDs tha the windo manager supports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Properties (per window) _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS(CARDINAL) How much border and other decorations does a window manager add around a application window. xprop -id $WINDOWID _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS(CARDINAL) = 2, 2, 26, 7 Order: Left, Right, Top, Bottom _NET_WM_DESKTOP(CARDINAL) Desktop it is on WM_COMMAND(STRING) = "xterm", "-g", "80x16+65+891", "-ls" WM_CLIENT_MACHINE(STRING) = "kirin" (hostname command was run on) WM_CLASS(STRING) = "xterm", "XTerm" (instance and application class) WM_NAME(STRING) = "anthony@kirin:~" (actual titlebar of window) WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "anthony@kirin:~" Standard Properities for a Client X Command Argument xdotool search option Class (not settable) --class Class Instance -name --classname Window Title -title --name Icon Title -n --iconname ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Properities Get the running PID of the widnow process... xprop -name parcellite -notype _NET_WM_PID Setting and changing Properities String Properity... xprop -id $win_id -f PROP 8s \ -set PROP "String to set" Integer (Cardinal) Properity Change Desktop of a Window... xprop -id $win_id -f _NET_WM_DESKTOP 32c \ -set _NET_WM_DESKTOP 2 The workspace manager shows change, but window is not moved. However iconising window changes icon manager! though openbox de-iconizes to original desktop! Basically panel and openbox get out-of-sync! Atom Properity Set state above - does not always work xprop -id $win_id -f _NET_WM_STATE 32a \ -set _NET_WM_STATE _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE Don't list window in Taskbar - works xprop -name Transmission -f _NET_WM_STATE 32a \ -set _NET_WM_STATE _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------