------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif includes and libraries in Solaris Starting with Solaris 2.4, the package SUNWmfrun is included with the base OS. It is installed under the directory /usr/dt, where all the CDE stuff will appear (dt stands for desktop). There are no Motif imake templates nor is mwm shipped with the base OS yet. However dtwm is very motif like and id the CDE standard. Remember that you must link with -R/usr/dt/lib ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif Drag and Drop Gotcha If the application that created the motifDragWindow crashes, the window will disappear but the _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW property on the root window will remain, thereby setting a trap for all other programs. Situation: property remains on display with a invalid window ID. prompt> xprop -root | grep _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x5800001 prompt> xwininfo -id 0x5800001 xwininfo: error: No such window with id 0x5800001. Results: Motif client says... _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW has been destroyed Bus error Solution clear the property! prompt> xprop -root -remove _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW That should be done if you kill all clients, but are not loging out and thus causing the Xserver to exit (for complete restart by XDM) . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Environment variable for Bitmap path For X11R5/Motif 1.2, the environment variable XBMLANGPATH is used by the XmGetPixmapByDepth() function to search for bitmap files. If that variable is not set, I believe XAPPLRESDIR is used. Check out section 11.3.5 "Images, Pixmaps, and Localization" in the OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide for 1.2, if you have that document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XKeysymDB Location --- Key Mapping Errors XKEYSYMDB variable is the solution. As long as I get all the MOTIF keyboard mapping information in /usr/openwin/lib/XKeysymDB and I set XKEYSYMDB to point to XKeysymDB file. I am not getting those keyboard mapping error. Geert Van Der Plas Geert.VanderPlas@esat.kuleuven.ac.be Mark Polhamus vdplas@esat.kuleuven.ac.be Glen Chang gtc@tfisys.dlj.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motif Window Manager icon resources From my .Xdefaults: Mwm*host1*iconImageBackground: blue Mwm*host1*iconImageForeground: white Mwm*host1*iconImage: Term Mwm*host2*iconImageBackground: red Mwm*host2*iconImageForeground: yellow Mwm*host2*iconImage: terminal Startup for the xterms "host1" f.exec "exec xrsh host1 xterm -ls -name host1" "host2" f.exec "exec xrsh host2 xterm -ls -name host2" --- Georg Wittig ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XmString Resource Type Converter ================================ This is a Resource Type Converter that converts values of type "String" into values of type "XmString". In addition the input String can contain directives to allow multiple fonts (from the "FontList") in the resulting XmString. Note that you can already specify multiple fonts in the "FontList" entry from the Resource File. Some examples of resources where you can use this Converter: messageString (XmMessageBox) labelString (XmLabel, XmRowColumn as OptionMenu) promptString (XmCommand) titleString (XmScale) Usage ----- 0) register the Converter. It is important that we register our Converter after Motif has registered its Converter. This usually happens on VendorShell's Class Initialize. (so that's after XtVaAppInitialize()) Alternatively, you can force Motif's Converters to register before you call "XtVaAppInitialize()" by calling "XtInitializeWidgetClass(applicationShellWidgetClass)" and "XmRegisterConverters()", and then register. 1) Have your "fontList" resource contain the Tags for the different fonts you want. These are simply arbitrary names (BOLD, BIG, OBLIQUE ...) (see XmFontList(3X) man page for more info). 2) Use those Tags in any resource of type XmString, start with "<" and end with ">" to set the current Tag. "<>" returns to the default Tag (that's the first Font in the "fontList") If you want to enable Multiple Fonts, the input string must start with "<". (this is only for performance reasons, although the penalty is neglectable). Example ------- *labelFontList: lucidasans-12,lucidasans-bold-12=BOLD,lucidasans-bold-18=BIG *messageString: Warning !<>Do Not <> Continue ! *messageString: <>X Windows is Great ! *labelString: XIT Sample Table\n<>HP Version Where From ---------- ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/utilities/String2XmStringCvt.tar.Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------