Eastern Side Passage

You are in a long north-south passage with tiled stone floor and rough un-polished stone walls. On the western wall a strange symbol of multiple colored `W's emblazoned on it. Below it in the single word ''Laboratory''. While next to it a few yards further is another door signed ''Graphics Lab''.

Oppisite these two doors, another door stands open looking in of a room containing a bird cage. The sign hanging from the roof of the room reads interestingally, ''Miscellanious Hobbies''

You can...
[wwwlab]Enter the WWW Laboratory.
[graphics]Maybe the Graphics Laboratory is more your thing.
[hobbies]Look at the hobbies, of Sir Anthony.
or go...
[North]North, to the North Eastern Corner.
[South]South, to the South Eastern Corner.

Dated: 2 April 1995
Updated: 24 March 2002
Author: Anthony Thyssen, <Anthony.Thyssen@gmail.com>