[AIcons] "support"
Support Scripts and Other Information

^ Anthony's Icon Library Home Page

Support Files

This directory to provide support scripts, examples and configuration file for the use of the Icon Library. This section is highly dependent on contributions of the users of the library. Please contribute.

Numerous shell and perl scripts I use in managing this icon library. About half of the scripts assume that Jef Poskanzer's PbmPlus (or NetPbm) Filter Package is in the users path. I make no guarantee on these scripts, though I use them almost everyday.

The latest scripts, such as those used to generate GIF animations are now using the larger image filter package ImageMagick.

Gifmap Index Generator
This directory contains the perl script "gifmap" which is used to generate the framed indexs thoughout this library, in particular the Example Image Pages of the icons that is present within.

Major thanks goes to Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen@simple.dallas.tx.us> for this marvalious program and putting up with my hundreds of suggestions and additions to make this program interface well with this library.

Configuration Examples
Various configuration files (or segments of), to configure specific application programs to use sections of the library. May of these were donated to this section to help others trying the same thing.

Color Resource File Examples.
Various X window resource files to force programs to use the standard color table. Some applications suffer from the "Angry Fruit Salad" Syndrome, and as such use just about any bright color that the developer can get a hold of. Others just do not provide any usable color settings (For example the "Bitmap" program in the X windows core).

These files are attempts to create color application default files for these applications using the standard color table.

---oOo--- Misc Items ---oOo---

A simple script to download and un-tar the " Pre-Converted WWW Images " from this library. The shell script uses the lynx program to grab the Gzipped Tar file of these images.

This is a file which will generate a list of all commands producing list background display patterns to be found in this library. Lots more such images are also contained within this file which have been commented out as being not so good.

The file is filtered with the 'C Pre-Processor' to allow it to be more compact and for easy modification of the X commands used to set your displays background. Look at the comments at the top of the file for more information on using it.

You may also like to download the randomline perl script to randomly pick a image from this file.

Suggestions for alternative colors for bitmap backgrounds are most welcome.

Patch for XV 3.10a
The XV 3.10a program has a bad X pixmap handling module. You can fix this by substituting this replacement "xvxpm.c" module I created from an older version of XV. For more information please read the README file.

Dated: 25 March 1995
Updated: 24 January 1997
Author: Anthony Thyssen, <Anthony.Thyssen@gmail.com>