[AIcons Symbol]

Anthony's Icon Library
Est. 1991

WARNING: I am no longer offically releasing my Icon Library. When I first created and made it available their was little in the way of good small image libraries. That has now changed with hundreds of private, free and comercial libraries available on the net. As such I am bowing out.

Having said that, I will continue to make the occasional addition for my own use, and the library will continue to be online as long as I have a web page to export it to. Also My WWW Images (see link below) remain extremly popular as a image starter for web servers.

Enjoy -- Anthony Thyssen, November 2002

Castle of Anthony Thyssen. (library coordinator)
Up to parent directory (to site hosting this mirror)
X Window Software to use with AIcons

WWW Users please note... AIcons is a library developed for X Window users and programmers. As such the format of the icons is X Bitmaps (monochrome) and X Pixmaps (color). However, a special sub-section of this library, "www" (with X bitmaps and pixmaps), is the source for a separate smalled library "Anthony's WWW Images"...

Anthony's WWW Images (AIcons Sub-set as GIF images).
Mirrors of Anthony's WWW Images
GZip'ed Tar of Anthony's WWW Icons (in GIF format).

PC Users... will also have problems using these images for the same reasons. The following information has been provided for their benifit...

De-archiving GZip'ed Tar Archives on PCs
Converting Images for PC use

Information And Support Files

  • Last Release Announcement to the World
  • Major Contributors to the library
  • Color Table used by AIcons

  • More Documentation and Notes

  • Support Files which includes :-
  • Shell and Perl Scripts for Image Handling
  • Configuration Files I use for some X window programs
  • A M4 Macro file of all backgrounds in AIcons (for random picks)
  • Major Library Sections

    Note on Copyright: Almost all the icons in the archive are public domain. In any case you can look in at the README.html file in each sub-section to find any known author and or copyright restrictions for specific icons (very rare) within that section.
    Descriptive Icons. (sorted by size and type)
    Icons for general symbols, window icons and display backgrounds.

    Application Icons. (sorted by application use)
    Icons for use within specific applications or type of application.

    Programming Icons. (sorted in related groups)
    Icons which are generally programmed into actual applications.
    NOTE: This section is also a catch all for miscellaneous icons.

    Large Clip-Art.
    Images which are overly large. Because of this, these images are not really part of the icon library. They are included as the images are very clean and are highly usable for the creation of other icons.

    Images of Dragons at all sizes and scales. Why? Because I like dragons, and needed a place to put all my dragon icons.
    WWW Image Source. (sorted by type of image)
    The source X Window images which are converted to GIF for Web use.
    NOTE: These are NOT indexed for WWW Users of Anthony's (X Windows) Icon Library. The files ".web" are the HTML index files which are renamed to ".html" at the same time the variuos X bitmap and pixmap files are converted to GIF format.

    Blurb about Anthony's Icon Library

    This collection was developed from the need for a collection of small bitmaps for both programming and X application icons for use of user displays. The library is, in general, free for use, however some authors of icons have some restrictions and/or copyrights, check the "README" files in the section you found the icon in. I would appreciate any new icons you may like to add to this collection and can be e-mail'ed to me on, <Anthony.Thyssen@gmail.com>.

    For UNIX and X Window browsers of this library I recommend that you download the XbmBrowser program (for X Windows) to view the un-tar'ed contents of the AIcons library. Of course the new HTML indexing files can also be used though it is not as versatile as the XbmBrowser program. This library would NOT have been possible to create or maintain without the use of this program.

    Icons are very difficult to group in a logical way. The organization represents my own attempt at this near impossible task. Please mail me with any comments or suggestions you may have or your own contributions to this library.

    This Library has been declared a winner in the Shareware / Downloadable Goodies, 14th out of 25 as part of the IWay 500, Best 500 Web sites in the world (Feburary 1996). They even sent me an award in the mail to prove it!

    Created: September 1994
    Updated: 3 October 2022
    Author: Anthony Thyssen, <Anthony.Thyssen@gmail.com>